Jimi Hendrix

FEHMARN OPEN AIR - September 7, 2002

Umsonst & Draussen- Insel Fehmarn - Flügger Strand - ab 11 Uhr

Fehmarn Open Air 2002

Click on the pic for a bigger view!

Michael at Jimi Hendrix Memorial Stone Fehmarn/Germany

It was rainy and stormy in 1970 when the Fehmarn Open Air started. Two days teribble weather but when Jimi started his set the sun came out. It was Jimis last concert before he died.
The sun was shining this year when the 8th Jimi Hendrix Revival Festival starts. Visiting the Hendrix Memorial Stone is a must! Very good music and bands especially Randy Hansen let us all remember that the spirit of Jimi still lives!

Many thanks to the Fehmarn Festival Group and Dirk Struve for there excellent work and the photo pass also Eckhard Bergmann who made the contact!

I took a lot of pictures and here is a collection of 120 pictures for you (sorry no pics of the Moon Orchestra).

To the Pictures

Special: Fehmarn Hendrix Memorial Rock

Randy Hansen at Fehmarn Open Air 2002

Fehmarn Open Air - The official Page
Randy Hansen Official Homepage
The official website of Aynsley Lister
Ana Popovic Band
Lord Bishop
The Moon Orchestra
Turquoise Tiles
The Main Offenders
The Pictures of 2002
Fehmarn Hendrix Memorial Rock

Jimi Hendrix und der Sturm auf Fehmarn

For more information about Jimi's Fehmarn concert read the excellent book "Jimi Hendrix und der Sturm auf Fehmarn". It is in german but all important facts concerning the course of events at the festival and on Jimi Hendrix final concert have been translated in english. The book contains some hardly known pictures too. Written by Thorsten Schmidt and published by Kultur Buch Bremen.